Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gardening And Canning Update

Gracious! Have I been busy. I was thinking that time would slow down here for me a bit , but what do I know, right? Time never stops, so we keep on keeping on. My patients daughter came home last Friday from the hospital! Yeah!!!!! She is doing rather well, but having to have IV antibiotics daily and knee packing daily, so I do this for her.

The garden hasn't stopped either. I'm canning for her as well as me, so my count as of tonight, is: Green beans 30 quarts. Squash 26 quarts, 10 pints, frozen for breads and other things, 40 pints. Dill pickles so far, 20 quarts and 12 pints.

My grandmother called me one day this week, not sure what day it was and said " "Passsssionnnn, I have two five gallon buckets of squash and zucchini that Mike picked for you if you want it?" Mike is my uncle, who grows a garden each year and it is absolutely beautiful and always plentiful. I hardly knew what to say to this offer, as I'm up to my head in produce here, but the grateful side of me said "Of course Grandmother."

The okra is growing and will be ready in a week or so. There are 120 tomato plants loaded, and I'm certainly glad none are riping right now. I do plan to can juice and tomato's, then make home made soup for the winter and spaghetti sauce. This comes in handy when your tired and in a hurry to fix something for dinner. All one has to do is add the meat, and shabam, there is your meal.

In the middle of all of my canning affairs, I restarted my weight loss program. It has been really hard to maintain this in the proper fashion as sometimes I grab on the run, and this isn't always the best thing for me. I need to learn to remember that I'm as important as canning is, or anything else is. As I said I need to be taught this as I have never just placed myself first. It isn't in my nature. :-)

One more caner filled, and I can go to bed. :-)

passion ~

1 comment:

KarenLynn said...

Wow you have been busy! I love canning too, so far I have only canned about 20 pints of corn ( I do mine in smaller containers because we usually only eat one can of corn at a meal and I like it fresh), but Monday I plan to put away about 20 to 30 jars of tomatoes.